Friday, February 20, 2015

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Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up

Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up

Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up

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Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 3 hours and 5 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Oasis Audio Release Date: July 5, 2011

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Ugh... where to begin. I was so deeply disappointed (and disturbed, of course) by this book that I don't even know how to put it into words. But I guess I'll try anyway. First of all, let's be clear, this is not a scholarly review of what the Bible has to say about hell, eternity, damnation, etc. No, let's call it for what it is. It's just a quick rebuttal of Rob Bell's "Love Wins" and it reads as if it was so quickly thrown together that you can almost read the authors' motives: "Quick, we have to get this book out that shows why Rob is clearly wrong, and we have to do it before the public loses its interest in the topic." Francis Chan suggests (here and elsewhere) that we need to just take the Bible for what it actually says. God says it, we believe it. But a proper "literal" translation of the New Testament requires the context of first-century Judaism and Jewish political, social, and religious life under the oppression of the Roman Empire, as well as the language in which the original letters were written. Chan merely glances over these vital aspects. A few references to some Greek words here (only meant to disprove Bell's interpretation with regards to "a time of pruning"), a few references to some Jewish texts here (to claim the assumption that all first-century Jews believed that hell was a place of eternal punishment and suffering), and voila... we have proof! This is what God said and this is certainly what he meant! Eternal punishment!Now, I haven't read Bell's book yet (but it's certainly on my to-do list) but I would strongly suggest that if you read this book, you should not only read "Love Wins" as well, but you shouldn't just stop there. Bell is not an adequate representation of Biblical Universalism. There are many other authors to consider. Chan's focus solely on Bell shows that he's not really serious about a Biblical critique against the claims of Universalism. I would suggest (as I plan to do myself) that you read as many different interpretations of the Biblical text as you can possibly cram inside your brain, then remind yourself of one simple truth... NO ONE HAS EVER GONE TO HEAVEN OR HELL AND CAME BACK TO TELL US EXACTLY WHAT IT'S LIKE. And that includes the writers of the Bible. Is it fascinating? Yea, of course it is. Will it continue to capture our imaginations? You bet it will. We will ever know what happens next before we actually get there? Not likely! When in doubt, I usually turn to N.T. Wright for a fresh perspective. His interpretation of both heaven and hell strikes me as deeply profound in that he argues that the focus of the Biblical text, and specifically the focus of Jesus' teachings, are that what matters most is our life here on earth and the way we live now! Not what happens next. "On earth as it is in heaven".(excerpt from "Surprised by Hope")"Part of the difficulty of the topic, as with the others we have been studying, is that the word 'hell' itself conjures up an image gained more from medieval imagery than from the earliest Christian writings. Just as many who were brought up to think of God as a bearded old gentleman sitting on a cloud decided that, when they stopped believing in such a being, they had therefore 'stopped believing in God', so many who were taught to think of hell as a literal underground location full of worms and fire, or for that matter as a kind of torture chamber at the centre of God's castle of heavenly delights, decided that, when they stopped believing in that, so they stopped believing in hell. The first group decided that, because they couldn't believe in childish images of God, they must be atheists. The second decided that, because they couldn't believe in childish images of hell, they must be universalists... But, at least at a popular level, it is not the serious early Christian doctrine of final judgment that has been rejected, but one or other gross caricature."(more from "Surprised by Hope")"The most common New Testament word sometimes translated as 'hell' is Gehenna. Gehenna was a place, not just an idea: it was the rubbish heap outside the south-west corner of the old city of Jerusalem......But, as with his [Jesus'] language about 'heaven', so with his talk of Gehenna: once Christian readers had been sufficiently distanced from the original meaning of the words, alternative images would come to mind, generated not by Jesus or the New Testament, but by the stock of images, some of theme extremely lurid, supplied by ancient and medieval folklore and imaginationThe point is that when Jesus was warning his hearers about Gehenna he was not, as a general rule, telling them that unless they repented in this life they would burn in the next one. As with God's kingdom, so with its opposite: it is on earth that things matter, not somewhere else. His message to his contemporaries was stark, and (as we would say today) 'political'. Unless they turned back from their hopeless and rebellious dreams of establishing God's kingdom in their own terms, not least through armed revolt against Rome, then the Roman juggernaut would do what large, greedy and ruthless empires have always done to smaller countries (not least in the Middle East) who resources they covet or whose strategic location they are anxious to guard. Rome would turn Jerusalem into a hideous, stinking extension of its own smouldering rubbish heap. When Jesus said 'unless you repent, you will all likewise perish', that is the primary meaning he had in mind."(and still more...)"We cannot therefore look to Jesus' teaching for any fresh detail on whether there really are some who finally reject God, and who as it were have that rejection ratified. All the signs, of course, are that he went along with the normal first-century perception: there would indeed be such people, with the only surprise being the one experienced, by sheep and goats alike, both at their fate and at the evidence on which it was based. And the early Christian writers go along with this. Hell, and/or final judgment, is not a major topic in the letters (though when it comes, it is very important, as for instance in Romans 2.1-16); it is not mentioned at all in Acts; and the vivid pictures towards the end of the book of Revelation, while being extremely important, have always proved among the hardest parts of scripture to interpret with any certainty. All this should warn us against the cheerful double dogmatism which has bedevilled discussion of these topics - the dogmatism, that is, both of the person who knows exactly who is and who isn't 'going to hell', and that of the universalist who is absolutely certain that there is no such place, or that if there is it will, at the last, be empty."Both Chan and Bell are dangerously close to pitching their tents in the "double dogmatism" camp. (Although Bell does not claim to be a universalist, so I would argue that Chan is much farther into this camp.) I have to remind myself constantly that my purpose on this earth is not to 'save souls' for some great afterlife (of which, I used to feel incredibly guilty and inadequate with my life when this used to be my worldview), but to use my God-given talents, skills, interests, desires, longings to transform my world here and now, in an attempt to establish the Kingdom of God "on earth as it is in heaven". How does one do this? "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Luke 10:27) To be honest, I am not encouraged to love my neighbor when I view them as headed for an eternity of punishment and suffering. No, unlike Chan's claim that this should make us love more wholly, this only depresses me and makes me feel ashamed about my beliefs. This makes the "good news" anything but good news. But when I view them as one of God's image-bearers, one of God's many projects that he longs to redeem and bring into right relationship with Himself, than all of a sudden my heart is transformed toward my neighbor and I feel nothing but love and respect for them. I haven't decided their future destiny for them. I haven't made any judgment about them being lost and myself being saved. I don't know about you but I'm sticking with the theology that actually helps me to produce good fruit.

What really matters in life is not what we believe but the truth. We may believe that the Earth is flat or that the Sun revolves around the Earth, but what counts is reality. The Bible is replete with obscure, incomprehensible passages, especially in the writings of Paul, that can be twisted to support almost any argument. If one tries to distort or twist some of these passages to support the absurd, then analysis must be made to see if the argument runs counter to the overwhelming treatment of the matter in Scripture as well as common sense. This is what the authors have done in "Erasing Hell" for which they are to be commended. A truly absurd doctrine is universalism or universal reconciliation which teaches that there is no Hell or if it does exist, it will end at some time. If this doctrine were true, one might ask why Jesus is called the "Savior". What exactly was He saving us from if not Hell of which He gives at least fifteen forceful warnings about "everlasting fire". Why did He spend the last three years of His life seeking to save souls and endure a horrific Passion and Death? Why did He tell us that "many will be called, but few will be chosen"? Another absurd doctrine is the teaching that after death a soul may have a "second chance". No where in Scripture is this taught, but the opposite. Jesus relates numerous parables telling us to remain alert to sudden death and the consequences if we are not. Mortal life is clearly a training period in which we must prove our worth for "everlasting life". "Erasing Hell" is a welcome antidote for current preaching of only half of the Gospel-the part that is not controversial and everyone likes-God's love for all no matter what they do. No mention of the other part of the Gospel-God's infinite justice and the 10 commandments.

I have been considering Evangelical universalism, and this book helped me see that although it would be nice to believe that everyone ends up in heaven, there are too many logical problems with that view. It's based on a sentimentality that seeks to fit God into our mold. This book, on the other hand, helps me wrestle to let God be God, recognize that His thoughts are infinitely higher than mine, and what seems like divine unfairness, is really God being His unfathomable self.

Overall, it's a good read and it is over a topic that Christianity as a whole is certainly losing. In particular this book seems to offer counter-points to Rob Bell's "Love-Wins." Regardless, considering that this life is immensely brief when compared to eternity, and as Christians who believe you will either spend eternity in heaven or hell, we really don't spend a lot of time discussing either. This book helps give the courage to answer truthfully and honestly when confronted with the tough questions about hell. For example: "I am not a Christian, but I am a good person. Does that mean I'm going to hell?"However, all that being said, the book is kind of repetitive in nature. In essence I began to feel as though the authors were beating a dead horse. To Christians who may be a little more mature in their faith, this book doesn't really seem to express any new ideas that a stout believer is not already aware of, has addressed, and/or applies these lessons into their daily life.In essence, I would recommend this book to a newer group of believers who may still not fully understand the concepts of heaven and hell. Believers whom are still disillusioned by the myths and half truths that the world (and even some Christian churches) can spew out about hell. Or, this could also be a good read for any of the "Universalist" Christians out there who hold to the doctrine that "all will be saved one day, and no one really goes to hell."But again, overall a good read and worth picking up.

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Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up PDF

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

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William Buhlman, author of Adventures Beyond the Body

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  • Sales Rank: #750277 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-06-28
  • Released on: 2013-06-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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C++ for FORTRAN ProgrammersBy Ira Pohl

C++ for Fortran Programmers provides a smooth transition to C++ and object-oriented programming by building on the reader's knowledge of FORTRAN. Noted C++ authority Ira Pohl uses his trademark technique of "dissection" to illustrate the underlying structure of programs and help readers understand design trade-offs. Where appropriate, C++ code is given with equivalent FORTRAN code. FORTRAN 77 has been augmented by other versions of FORTRAN, including FORTRAN 90. Based on the proposed ANSI C++ standard, this book covers the latest language features including detailed discussions of templates, STL, and exception handling.

  • Sales Rank: #3591503 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Addison Wesley Longman
  • Published on: 1997-01
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.11" h x 7.34" w x 9.20" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 540 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover
Using your existing knowledge of Fortran, C++ for Fortran Programmers gets you up and running with C++ quickly. By showing how individual elements of a Fortran program compare and translate into C++, this book helps you make a smooth transition to C++ and object-oriented concepts. Best-selling author and C++ authority Ira Pohl uses his trademark "dissection" technique to illustrate the underlying structure of programs and to help you understand design trade-offs. Scientific and engineering coding examples are featured throughout the text.

* Provides a smooth transition to C++ and object-oriented programming for programmers already familiar with Fortran.
* Includes C++ to Fortran equivalencies, making it easy to move from one language to another.
* Features engineering computations throughout; important scientific types such as complex number, vector, and polynomial are implemented.
* Incorporates the proposed ANSI C++ Standard including bool, namespaces, and the STL library.
* Features a chapter on the use of STL and efficient generic programming.
* Supplies fully tested program code on the World Wide Web at aw/cp/authors/pohl/c++_fortran/c++_fortran.html.

About the Author
Ira Pohl is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. His research interests include artificial intelligence, the C and C++ programming languages, practical complexity problems, heuristic search methods, deductive algorithms, and educational and social issues. He originated error analysis in heuristic search methods and deductive algorithms. Professor Pohl was formerly a Mackay professor at University of California- Berkeley and a ZWO fellow in the Netherlands. He is the author or co-author of Object-Oriented Programming Using C++, C++ Distilled: A Concise Ansi/Iso Reference and Style Guide, C by Dissection: The Essentials of C Programming, A Book on C: Programming in C, C++ for C Programmers, C++ for Fortran Programmers, C++ for Pascal Programmers, and Turbo C: The Essentials of C Programming, all published by Addison-Wesley. 0201924838AB04062001

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

This book is intended as an introduction to programming in C++ for the programmer or student already familiar with Fortran. It uses an evolutionary teaching process, with Fortran as a starting point and C++ as a destination. The book is written to allow the reader to stop and use the language facilities at various points in the text.

This book will get the Fortran programmer up and running in C++ in the shortest possible time. It uses a teaching-by-equivalency method that allows the Fortran programmer the ability to immediately convert existing code over to C++. It emphasizes working code. A program particularly illustrative of the chapter*s themes is analyzed by dissection, which is similar to a structured walk-through of the code. Dissection explains to the reader newly encountered programming elements and idioms. Fortran is the major teaching language for beginning engineering students. It was designed by John Backus at IBM in the 1950s, and many efficient and fast compilers exist for it. Fortran is tailored to numerical scientific programming, and is the leading language for that use. For nonnumerical domains, Fortran lacks key features that limit its use in the software community, where C and C++ are the dominant languages.

C++, invented at Bell Labs by Bjarne Stroustrup in the mid-1980s, is a powerful modern successor language to C. C++ adds to C the concept of class, a mechanism for providing user-defined types also called abstract data types. It supports object-oriented programming by these means and by providing inheritance and run-time type binding. C++ is increasingly the choice of scientists and engineers in developing scientific software. This book is intended for use in a first course in programming in C++. The reader is expected to know Fortran or have enough programming experience to follow this tutorial. It can be used as a supplementary text in an advanced programming, data structures, software methodology, comparative language, or other course in which the instructor wants C++ to be the language of choice. Each chapter presents a number of carefully explained programs.

All the major pieces of code were tested. A consistent and proper coding style is adopted from the beginning and is one chosen by professionals in the C++ community. The code is available at the Addison Wesley Longman Web site (

For the Fortran programmer who wants C experience, this book could be used in conjunction with A Book on C, Third Edition by Al Kelley and Ira Pohl (Addison-Wesley, 1995). As a package, the two books offer an integrated treatment of the C and C++ programming languages and their use that is unavailable elsewhere. This book incorporates:

An Evolutionary Approach. The Fortran programmer is introduced to equivalent concepts in the C++ programming language. By learning how individual elements of a Fortran program translate into C++, the Fortran programmer can immediately gain a facility with C++. Chapter 1, "An Overview of C++ and Object-Oriented Programming," provides an introduction to C++*s use as an object-oriented programming language. Chapter 2, "Native Types and Statements," shows the parallels between programming in Fortran and C++ with regard to data types, expressions, and simple statements. Chapter 3, "Functions, Pointers, and Arrays," continues with similarities between functions and complex data types. The middle chapters show how to use classes, which are the basis for abstract data types and object-oriented programming (OOP). The later chapters give advanced details of the use of inheritance, templates, and exceptions. At any point in the text the programmer can stop and use the new material.

Teaching by Example. The book is a tutorial that stresses examples of working code. Right from the start the student is introduced to full working programs. An interactive environment is assumed. Exercises are integrated with the examples to encourage experimentation. Excessive detail is avoided in explaining the larger elements of writing working code. Each chapter has several important example programs. Major elements of these programs are explained by dissection.

Data Structures in C++. The text emphasizes many of the standard data structures from computer science. Stacks, safe arrays, dynamically allocated multidimensional arrays, lists, trees, and strings are all implemented. Exercises extend the student*s understanding of how to implement and use these structures. Implementation is consistent with an abstract data type approach to software.

Object-Oriented Programming. The reader is led gradually to the object-oriented style. Chapter 1, "An Overview of C++ and Object-Oriented Programming," discusses how the Fortran programmer can benefit in important ways from a switch to C++ and object-oriented programming. Object-oriented concepts are defined, and the way in which these concepts are supported by C++ is introduced. Chapter 4, "Classes," introduces classes, which are the basic mechanism for producing modular programs and implementing abstract data types. Class variables are the objects being manipulated. Chapter 9, "Inheritance," develops inheritance and virtual functions, two key elements in this paradigm. Chapter 11, "OOP Using C++," discusses OOP and the Platonic programming philosophy. This book develops in the programmer an appreciation of this point of view.

Fortran Equivalence. Where appropriate, C++ code is given with equivalent FORTRAN 77 code. This gives the experienced Fortran programmer immediate access to idiomatic C++ code. FORTRAN 77 has been augmented by other versions of Fortran, the primary one being Fortran 90. Fortran 90 has many additional features, such as modules, recursion, a free-form style, pointers and structured data, and better flow of control statements.

ANSI C++ Language and iostream.h. For an existing, widely used language, C++ continues to change at a rapid pace. This book is based on the most recent standard: the ANSI C++ Committee language documents. A succinct informal language reference is provided in Appendix D, "Language Guide." Use of the iostream.h library is featured in Appendix E, "Input/Output," and STL is featured in Appendix F, "STL and String Libraries."

Standard Template Library (STL). STL is explained and used in Chapter 8, "Templates, Generic Programming, and STL," and in Appendix F, "STL and String Libraries." Many of the data structure examples foreshadow its explanation and use. There is a strong emphasis on the template mechanism required for STL and the iterator idiom that STL exploits. The numerical examples stressed are important to scientific computation.

Industry- and Course-Tested. This book is the basis of many on-site professional training courses given by the author, who has used its contents to train professionals and students in various forums since 1986. The various changes are course-tested, and reflect the author*s considerable teaching and consulting experience.

Exercises. The exercises test and often advance the student*s knowledge of the language. Many are intended to be done interactively while reading the text, encouraging self-paced instruction. Others test standard scientific concepts, such as the use of vectors, pseudorandom computations, numerical methods for evaluating integrals, conversion of units, and the use of complex numbers.

Engineering and Scientific Computations. Scientific and engineering computations are featured throughout. Important scientific types such as complex numbers, vectors, and polynomials are implemented. Modern simulation technique is featured through an ecological simulation that is implemented using object-oriented techniques. Numerical methods such as root finding and integration are featured.

Web site. The examples both within the book and at Addison-Wesley*s Web site are intended to exhibit good programming style. The Addison-Wesley Web site for this book contains the programs in the book as well as adjunct programs that illustrate points made in the book or flesh out short pieces of programs. The programs available at the Web site are introduced by their .cpp or .h names and can be obtained by referencing:

My special thanks go to my wife, Debra Dolsberry, who encouraged me throughout this project. She acted as book designer and technical editor for this edition. She developed appropriate formats and style sheets in FrameMaker 5.0 and guided the transition process from my other books on C++. She also implemented and tested all major pieces of code.

This book was developed with the support of my editor, J. Carter Shanklin, and editorial assistant, Angela Buenning.

Ira Pohl
University of California, Santa Cruz


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  • Sales Rank: #7791 in Audible
  • Published on: 2014-01-15
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 596 minutes

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